Cuthberto has successfully acquired, held, still hold, and sold over 100 million of Real Estate since 2009. He has over 20 years experience of High-Level Asset Management, with nearly 100,000 hours in the business. He and his partner have the track record and the numbers………BUT his greatest success has been the partnerships and friends that came along the ride with us.
Waking up every day the only job I had was to to be the “Best” Friend and Brother to Manny (his partner), and that brought the abundant success.
Manny is the Operation Visionary and Fiscal Manager-Making everything profitable. Cuthberto is the Financier, and his skill is to find a way to fund the vision….and make it happen.
They, their Investors, (both debt and equity) along with our commercial committee lenders have profited over $20 million in interest and distributions since 2009.